Friday, October 31, 2008

It's Friday Already!!!!

Man... this week went by way too fast! I can't believe it's Friday AND Halloween already! It's supposed to be 70 degrees here today....... so that means tonight will be warm... more trick-or-treaters! Must go buy more candy... the first 4 bags I bought are already gone, and I see someone has broken into 3 out of 7 of the others! This time I'm buying non chocolate.... maybe that will last the few hours 'til we give it away!

Once again I've been totally busy with the destash store... but I sold a few bookmarks at another store.... which means I really need to get to work on poor DebiDoesCrafts. It has been neglected!
All orders are caught up and shipped out... so feel free to shop! I'm taking pictures now, so new items up later!

Happy Halloween!!!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

WOW......... I can't believe it's already 1:10 a.m. Wednesday here! I am feeling a whole lot better..... now that I am taking the correct dosage of antibiotics! Never read the label with a confused migraine brain! I thought I was supposed to take one pill.... turns out when I read it again two days later... I was suppose to take two each time! Well.... it's working now!
This was the first Tuesday in a long time I was migraine free! It felt wonderful. Winter and I took Ash for the afternoon. We went to Wendy's for lunch... he ate 3 whole chicken nuggets! People kept telling us how cute he is..... then he started smiling and blowing "raspberries" at everyone! What a boy! Then he found out it would be fun to tip his head back after a drink of water, blow a raspberry, and make a fountain! LOL.... cute but messy! We took him to Hobby Lobby and to Walmart. He was good the whole time.... he's wonderful! LOL
I have been busy all night with ............. everytime I list something I get another order! I just sorted out 5 of them. Now I have to wrap them, write thank you notes, make some more business cards, and pack them for the mail tomorrow! I have already sold 46 items! It's only been open about a week........ now to sell from the other stores!

I may write again later.... It's Darlene day.... we are going to the Machine Shed. I have to get to bed soon, so I can getsome sleep before it's time!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

What a fun day...... NOT!

Well yesterday was just SO much fun! I didn't feel well when I woke up, so I took a hot shower hoping to feel better, it worked for about an hour! I promised Winter, Debi and Ash we could go to the Golden Corral for lunch with Darlene, so we had to go!
I had a piece of chicken, a baked potato, and part of their yummy roll. I just couldn't eat. My head hurt so much, and my face felt like someone had been punching it over and over again! When we left, I told Debi (in case you don't know, my son's girlfriend and I have the same name!) to take me to a walk in clinic.. I couldn't stand it anymore.
They gave me a shot in the butt (OW!!) and made me nap in the exam room for twenty minutes. Oddly enough I was able to actually sleep! He said I had a full blown migraine, a sinus infection, an ear infection, and what looked like the beginning of strep throat! Wonderful! No wonder I felt like crap!
Three prescriptions and some MucinexDM later, I felt a little better. The migraine pills he gave me had a muscle relaxant and sleepy medicine in them so I haven't been up much in the last twenty four hours. The doctor did tell me to go home and take a 2 day nap! Good thing it's the week end!!

I added some new items to , and I sold a bookmark at so I am still functioning!!!

More later.... it's nap time!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Yay! I found the camera! It was under Joe in the bed! How the hell do you fall asleep with a camera under you?!?!? I realize cameras are smaller these days! I know it was under him because I checked under the blankets all around him...... and the camera was hot when he got up this morning. Now I can get some work done!

No new orders this morning ... that's good for a while! I get behind with all the packaging it up. The mailing part is easy.... I give Winter the stack, and she goes to the automated part of the post office and does it on the machine. It's cheaper that way too. They must charge a commission per package sent inside the post office!

I forgot to make coffee last night! I am mad!!!! I had to have a cup of chocolate milk instead...... NOT THE SAME! That will teach me...... must make daily list and check off each item!

Georgia sent me this cartoon..... I think it's funny..... Joe probably won't!!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hello Again!

Well..... It's been a few days since I've been able to post. Monday I was very busy filling orders for . I have sold 26 items since it opened late last week! It takes a bit of time to wrap them all nice, write out a thank you card, and package and address! Plus Autumn left her wands behind when she visited this summer... so I had to special wrap and send the one she sold!

I had a terrible migraine onTuesday..... it started about 10 a.m. After alot of throwing up and aspirins, I felt better about midnight. I fell right asleep but woke up at 5:55 a.m. when Joe got up.... he left the door open and the cats came in and started jumping around! After I finally got them kicked out, Elenore wouldn't quit knocking on the door. She did it on and off for about an hour...... I was ready to lock her in the bathroom.... but that would be evil, since her first owners did it to her 24/7.

I try to sleep after a migraine, but it was Darlene day. PLUS...... I noticed I get a migraine EVERY Tuesday! What the heck?!?!?

We went to a Chinese buffet today...... it was scary! The food that is! Sushi.... shrimp in the shell.... clams in the shell.... crawdads (?spelling)in the shell........things I didn't know what they were.... and octopus!!!! I ate NONE of this!!! LOL
Friday we are going to the Golden Corral for lunch...... we know what the food is there!!!

Winter misplaced my camera!!!!! I have tons of things to take pictures of and list! DAMN!
I have people waiting for me to list specific things they want! Plus I have at least 20 needlework kits I found in a box in the basement... those defnately need to go! I'm going to go sneak into my bedroom (Joe is sleeping) and look under the bed, and in the covers... she thinks she left it on my bed.... I HOPE SO!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I'm in LOVE!!!!!!

I'm in LOVE....... with this delicious iced coffee!!!! I found the recipe while using stumble on my computer. It is cold brewed so it is not bitter at all! Our coffee maker quit last week, and I've been buying the expensive coffee drinks from Starbucks, Mc Donalds, Meg's, even Burger King.... but this is wonderful.... Winter even likes it.

Cold-Brewed Ice Coffee
New York Times 6/27/07

Yield: Two drinks

1/3 cup ground coffee (medium-coarse grind is best)
Milk (optional)

1. In a jar, stir together coffee and 1 1/2 cups water. Cover and let rest at room temperature overnight or 12 hours.

2. Strain twice through a coffee filter, a fine-mesh sieve or a sieve lined with cheesecloth. In a tall glass filled with ice, mix equal parts coffee concentrate and water, or to taste. If desired, add milk.

I used Folgers Gourmet chocolate truffle coffee.........
I tripled the recipe... no need to make just 2 servings... please!
Then I heated up a 1/4 cup water in the microwave, took half a packet of raspberry dark chocolate cocoa mix, mixed it up, then put it in a glass with ice, coffee concentrate, and milk........

I tasted the concentrate... it was flavorful, not bitter.... too strong for me, but I bet my sister Donna would like it! Sometimes I think she should just chew on coffee grounds, as strong as she makes her coffee!!!

Try it and fall in love!! LOL

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Wow... I didn't realize I haven't blogged in a few days..... sadly I haven't had a need to!
I opened yet another store on etsy this morning... and already have 2 sales! Well..... it's a destash store, and the sale was only 2.50...... but it's a start! See bottom of blog for my etsy mini... and link to the store.
Ash just woke up from his nap. We are watching him. Jeremy is at a hunter safety course, and won't be home 'til around 3:00 p.m. , and Debi just went to donate blood, and won't be back for at least another hour. Right now he is "helping" grandpa play Mario Party. He is on his way over to "help" me with the computer, so I will add more later!

It's later..... Ash just got back from a birthday party for his little friend across the street. Here he is eating a cupcake there.... I can't wait 'til his party! What a mess!

I have a bunch of stuff to take pictures of.... I sold 3 items from the destash store already.....without any promoting! That makes me want to add more now! I have really neglected all the stores lately..... I just got tired of looking at it! I am going to go set up some lighting to take pictures. New items in a few hours!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wednesday.... Darlene AND Oprah day!

Just a quick post for now... it's Darlene day, and we are going to the Golden Corral for lunch! Mmmmmmm they have the best breads there! With yummy honey butter.................
When we are finished there, we may take a trip to Borders for a look see! Always on the look out for another bath tub book for Ash!

It's Oprah day, again! The other show we went to the taping for is on today. It's all about manners.... maybe there will be a shot of us we can see this time! (though I REALLY don't want to see myself on t.v.!!!!)

Later than I thought.. must get ready, have to drive across town for this lunch...... and with all the construction, crazy drivers, etc.... this could take a while.

Don't forget to watch Obama kick McCains ass tonight in the debate!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Well.... today is Tuesday..... nothing fun going on here today! Decided to rearrange our bedroom. Decided trying to rearrange a king sized bed by myself not a good idea...... took some aspirins, and rearranged the smaller pieces! I have to make room for my roll top desk in there. I have to put a different desk in its place in the living room for the computer, printer, and paper. I am tired of having to go to different rooms for different tasks!

Winter and I went shopping for a bit. She got some new jeans.... she's been losing weight, and nothing fits anymore. She tried on some dresses for Georgias wedding...... and found the cutest black dress with white polka dots ever! I has a flared skirt with a black lace insert, and will look awesome when she dances and twirls! Couldn't buy it yet.... it costs 60.00! Need to sell a few items before it gets sold! The dress pictured is her second choice.... it was really cute on too.... looks like a "flapper" dress from the roaring 20's! I couldn't find a picture of the polka dot one.

We went to Hobby Lobby to look at beads... nothing caught my eye, so we ended up only spending 4.85! Very good for us! While cleaning up in my room, I did find a bag of beads I had bought this summer sometime! I knew I was missing some beads and findings...... I was beginning to think I dreamed buying them! New items soon!

Gotta go finish picking up my room, and cleaning off the bed..... Joe will be going to bed at 9:00.... in just an hour. There is still a ton of stuff to do in that room... I have the whole bed covered in clothes and decorative items....... must get to work!

Winter found a picture of the dress.............. it looks amazing on!!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Where Are All The Forks?!?!?

A month ago we had so many forks, that they didn't fit in the silverware holder. Yesterday I could find five of them....... o.k. since we have five people who use them...... but tonight for dinner I can find two! What the heck?!?!? I checked the dish water.... looked on the counter top.... checked the bed rooms..... where did they go? We have a mystery on our hands!

I finally listed the expensive blue necklace.... it got ONE whole view! I have to figure out the right time to list I guess. I am going to start up yet another store this week. A destash store. This one is to get rid of some extra beads, jewelry supplies, unfinished wood, scrapbook supplies, material, etc! Everything I'm not ever going to use......... TIRED of the clutter. It's a bad thing to have three pack rats in one house!

Now to brag about Winters jewelry... we are going to finally start up her store this week. She makes wonderful jewelry... her style is completely different from mine. Plus she makes hilarious cards. Everyone should check it out....
All the jewelry in this post are hers....... pretty aren't they?!?!

Oh yeah...... our other Oprah show is going to be shown on Wednesday. It's about manners. We got 3 free books about manners when we left the taping. I exchanged them at Borders for books we really wanted!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

It's SATURDAY!!!!!! Yay.... no having to worry about what time it is, or having to go pick up hubby from work!
As promised... more pictures from the pumpkin patch! The first one shows Winter next to the how tall this year sign..... it says she is six feet tall...... at the doctors office this week, they said she was only 5'11"... LOL!
The next one will show Debi and Ash.. and how tall they are this year! Quite a bit shorter than Winter!!!! The next one is another picture of Ash playing with the pumpkins...... He is getting a bunch of teeth, and wasn't very happy the whole trip!
Sorry about the blue tint to the pictures... they always forget to change the settings, when shooting outside.

Man... Ash is crying his head off again right now! Teething and fighting a nap does not make for a happy baby! I think he needs some grandma hugs........

It is almost 1 p.m. and I haven't seen Winter yet! Since we moved her to the basement, she doesn't have to deal with all the noises... like Ash! I think I will get her up soon.... she can help me put the beading area back in order. Then maybe I will feel inspired to make something!

I posted some older things last night..... a few bracelets that would be good for Halloween, and a blue bracelet and earring set.... you can scroll down and see them in my etsy pictures.

I will post again later..... there is a litterbox that needs changing (EW) and a bunch of dishes to do again...... funny how they are invisible to everyone else! Plus I have to pack up the bookmark I sold and get it to the post office. I am out of free gift earrings I send with every purchase... so there's another thing to do!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Ash finally got to go to the pumpkin patch today. He went with his mommy and auntie Winter. I had to go pick hubby up from work. They had alot of fun, and took a bunch of pictures. He likes being outside, and today was a beautiful day.
We have pictures of his daddy when he was a little boy doing some of the same things......... scrapbooks here we come! I will post more of the pictures tomorrow.

Still haven't made any new crafts.... but I did sell a bookmark today! (it's a start!) I really have to rearrange my beading area so it is more efficient, and useful. Right now I don't want to deal with any of it! I should at least post a few of the things that have been sitting in the "done" box for a few months!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Oprah Day

Today was Oprah day..... one of the shows we went to the taping of was finally on! It was about moral dilemmas. I really wasn't sure it would make it to air as one of the dilemmas was 14 year olds and oral sex. Plus Oprah kept making jokes about it, and never paid attention to her producer when he told her to cut! But with some creative editing it was on the air and totally different than remembered. Plus it showed us (my sister Georgia and I) for about two seconds towards the end of the program.... lol!

I didn't do any crafting or listing today. Actually this is the first time I've touched MY computer today. Five adults and one computer does not work at all! Jeremy really needs to get his fixed.

I'm going to go get some grape juice and watch HGTV for a while.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Darlene Day

Wednesdays around here are known as Darlene Days. My friend Darlene and I (and Winter when she's around!) go out to lunch every Wednesday. Today we are going out to Red Lobster. Mmmm!
I was sick all day yesterday with a migraine, and didn't eat anything. When I finally got up for a while (at 8:30 p.m.) I found out no one had any dinner............ Six people in this house......... five of them sixteen or older............. and NOBODY could make, or drive to go get dinner.... unbelievable!

I finally went back to bed at 2:30 a.m. I usually need to sleep the whole day after a migraine, but I can't today. After lunch I have to come back home and do laundry. Yes... I still haven't done it! I am going to go take a shower, then a nap 'til 10:00. (it's now 6:26 a.m.) that will give me enough time to get ready for lunch, and get across town.

I really need to make some stuff to post. I am also out of "free" earrings. I give them away with every order, and leave them behind with a tip, hand to the cashier as I check out somewhere, etc. I see Autumns blog says she made 17 wands yesterday! I am jealous, and proud. She usually stops in the middle of making things!

I may post again later.............

Monday, October 6, 2008

Just Checking In

It's 11:30 p.m. here................ Went to Dekalb and picked up Winter, she has a dr. appointment tomorrow. While she was gone we moved her room to the basement, and gave Ash her old room. Contrary to popular belief..... she loves it. It's cozy and private!

I didn't get anything done today.... Joe is complaining he needs work clothes washed.... hmmmm do it yourself I thought! Yeah..... maybe tomorrow!

Man, I want some M&M's. I think maybe I have some hidden in my room! I will go look after a bit. Winter is offering me an organic sucker she got in Dekalb...... I don't think that will be the same!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sunday.... Yay I'm all alone!

I made this necklace months ago, took the pictures, but have never posted it! It will be around $50.00 because of all the Swarovski crystals, and the blue stones..... I love it! I would keep it, but I hardly ever wear jewelry!

Today I am by myself! Joe, Jeremy, Ash and Debi (my sons girlfriend and I have the same name!)went to see the Bears game at Joes dads house. I can finally finish cleaning up Elly and Hermes messes! Elly ran by a little while ago chasing some lampwork beads.............. I wonder where she found those! Anyone want a cat?!?!?

I should be doing laundry, but I have to go to the laundromat... and I hate doing it alone. Winter is in Dekalb visiting Donnas family, so there goes my helper! Maybe tomorrow...................

I'm going to go turn on some loud music and clean this place up! Ash has smashed his breakfast bar all over the floor, the couch, his toys, the cat bed etc. etc. etc.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Well.... what a mess I had this morning....... it seems that Mr. Kitty aka Hermes, and Elenore had the time of their lives with my jewelry making supplies. There must have been a tiny space on a shelf, that they thought they could squeeze themselves into....... because most of it was on the floor. That not being enough damage, they pushed most of my stuff from my work table there too! Including things I was laying out, and of course loose beads, head pins, tools, etc.

Now that I'm a little less mad at them, I guess I will go hand out cookies. I am still missing a bunch of beads! Swarovski crystals have really gone up in price lately too!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Yay... it's Friday

Well...... I just LOVE Friday! I don't work outside the home, but I do have to pick my hubby up from work, and with all the road construction going on..... what used to take about 14 minutes took 35 minutes yesterday! I HATE road construction season..... but I LOVE the finished product! Alpine Road is now as smooth as a baby butt........ now if both lanes would ever open at the same time! Plus it doesn't help that they built a new CVS and Walgreens at the same time, at the same intersection. But WOW....... I now have my choice of 3 Walgreens, an 4 CVS stores.. without ever veering off Alpine just to pick up hubby! Almost as bad as Walmart!

Enough about that crap......... Today I added Autumns etsy store to my blog. She made a bunch of new DS cases.... and they are wonderful. She puts alot of work into those things! I love how the little etsy mini stores here update themselves every time we add new items.... so check them all out everyday!! LOL

It's 11:30 and Ash is sleeping so I have a few peaceful moments...... going to go make a baked potato for brunch...... if you have anything to eat while he's around, he eats most of it! 8 months old and growing like a weed. He says mama, dada, grandma, grandpa, baba (for a bottle) bye bye (when he sees his car seat) and a whole lot of other sound that make sense only to him!!!!
I LOVE that boy!!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Well.............. Here it is autumn! It's my favorite season of the year! I love the colors, the temperatures, the smells, the things to do! My grandson is now 8 months old, so he gets to dress up and go out for Halloween. We will go to the loal pumpkin patch and take his picture on the mountain of pumpkins, and next to the "How Tall This Fall" sign..... just like we did with his daddy!

I really don't know what else to write about.... I have 3 orders I have to get out. A bracelet, a bookmark, and a pair of earrings, so I should get busy!

Fall Earrings

Fall Earrings
I love these!




AutumnSilvermoon Shoppe
