Saturday, November 22, 2008

We went Christmas shopping!!!!!!!!!

Anyone who knows me knows that I wait until Christmas Eve to do most of my shopping. I can never decide what to get, or don't have enough money! This year I opened a Christmas savings..... not much, but enough to make sure my kids get presents on Christmas once!

We bought some fun toys for Ash... I thought he needed some little cars and trucks to push around, so we found some cute ones half price at Kohl's. We got him some warm jammies.... green with froggies all over them. We were looking at some Bears outfits, when a little boy started yelling "Mommy.... they took my jammies... my froggy jammies".....and kept it up! We decided to look at slippers in another area instead! People looked at us kinda funny!

Winter already spent most of her Christmas money....... she found some shirts, socks, gloves, and a hoodie. She is way to practical! I think she has enough for a video game left! Tomorrow we will buy her a video game she wants for her birthday... she will be 17 in 13 days! Jeremy will be 26 on Thanksgiving! Where do the years go?!?!?!?

Circuit City had an ad out that said if you bought 2 Wii games, you got $20.00 off. We were going to buy the one Winter wanted, and one for Joe...... but the cashier said it was a typo in the ad... it only applied to some cheap older games. There were no disclaimers in the store, and that section of the instore ads were all missing. It will take a REALLY good sale(or giveaway!) for me to ever go there again!

Well gotta go figure out dinner... the males are crabby and hungry!

Have alot to make and list tonight.... so I will post some pics tomorrow!


Winnie said...

The "mails" are hungry.
lol. :D

Anonymous said...

OoOo I'm Winter, I never ever make typos. I'm perfect. OoOo

Fall Earrings

Fall Earrings
I love these!




AutumnSilvermoon Shoppe
